Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Writing Marathon

An Open letter to Someone...

Note: The below write is simply my imagination. In my words I have attempted to express the vice called 'Gossip'. The word "I" is not directed towards me :)

Dear Gossip,

Finally I have mustered courage to write you our 'end of friendship' letter. Yes it takes some amount of courage to give up bad habits and quit weak attitudes while abandoning vices. You are one such thing (habit, attitude, temptation - whatever you call it) that I will abandon for ever. I will never be able to love you ever again, not after what I have come to know of you. Do not think this to be a spontaneous decision taken on the spur of the moment. I have pondered over it for many days now.

Every time you were around, I loved it. I loved you for the superior feeling you gave me.The feeling "See I am better than her". You seemed to exist in my every conversation with friends, relatives, neighbors. When I came to know you exist in bigger circles, it worked as a motivation than a caution.Foolishly I thought it as a virtue and not a vice.

When few good people told me that you were my foe and to be trusted I shrugged and took it easily. I told them I was just talking and not gossiping.

If you remember many years passed this way. The effects of your friendship, I observed, only when my friends began to dislike me. Few were courteous enough to hide it and few bold enough to express. When I spoke to them while you were around, they dismissed me and my conversations. This social seclusion was painful. I began to feel aloof, as though I was an untouchable..! I was irked by every one's behavior and pondered over my demeanor.

You led me to think about other people. And always about others. What they did? What they thought? Why they did what they did? Surprisingly I had never sensed the amount of exhaustion I had, when I engaged in such meaningless conversations.
You are not some specific form per se, dear gossip, but you are the mixture of all negative emotions.I felt jealous so I spoke of my neighbor, I felt hatred so I gossiped about my owner, My ego was hurt so I spoke about my boss. You are a camouflage of my weakness..! My faculties of mind digressed so much and had no good exercise. It fell lame and sailed in boredom.

The more I think of our friendship, the more resentful I grow...

My dear Gossip, thus I have resolved to end our courtship, here with this letter, forever. And this will be my last correspondence.
hence forth make no effort to me..or even tress pass into the terrains of my mind and heart.

Good bye...and never see you.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

wow, ultimate, just mind blowing!!!