Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Driving is an ART in India

Driving in India is an art in India.To be precise,it is a gruelling art.While it takes a great experience to drive on the kuccha roads of our villages—it demands for an altogether different mind set and practice to drive in our metropolitans and big cities.
Shockingly,the more you practice this art ,the greater challenges you face.
This art reguires the driver to be,
· Attentive, to react to unexpected moves by the co-commuters
· Smart,to change,break and make rules when situations demand
· Patient,to tolerate the chaotic traffic with a blissful smile
This sounds like a drivers’ qualification check list.But ,believe me ,driving amidst the traffic demands not only for a thorough physical practice but a mental training too.
A regular driver needs to have a regular health check up ,just to see if his BP is under control.
You are bombarded with several emotions(anger,fear , impatience) all along your drive,that it becomes humanly impossible to have a composed day,if the mind doesn’t get trained to the impassable traffic.
Thankfully,this training happens by itself.Once you are in the war field,you learn to shield yourself.

After good years of rugged experience you might start seeing great changes within you:
You might calm down and play less heed to irritable sounds viz. unsoothning vehicle horns, loud arguments, obnoxious abuses and shrieking bus tyres.
You might begin to accept the traffic violaters,learning license drivers,confused and nervous drivers.
You might become indifferent to kuccha main roads,over flowing drainages and perennially ‘under repair’ roads

You learn the philosophy of driving “Expect the unexpected”—Day dreamers crossing the roads at their own leisure, unexpected break downs, sudden vehicle encounters from the opposite directions.

In that short span drive ,you get to know the varities of driving –The Bold Driving,The confused Driving,The careless Driving ,The Indifferent driving and lastly the Ladies Driving.
The most pitiable people amidst this violent drama,are the traffic police –The uncared,The unimportant and The Unseen.Basking under the scorching sun,the only benefit they get is the timely salary,and if they are lucky enough, they might have a bumper chance of “ fine” given by traffic violaters.

A Deliberate Mockery:

What is all this?
A deliberate mockery.
How long shall we tolerate and be a part of indifference and indiscipline.
The indifference and indiscipline among us.The public.

Marathon meetings,Excellent Budget plans,Incentive and warnings by the authorities of least help ,if the change doesn’t germinate within us.
There is no Government that is devoid of corruption and irresponsibilty.why then,are other countries progessing faster than us?
The reason : WE. The cause: OUR ATTITUDE

‘Let Go Away’ attitude must be curbed.sophistication must be cultivated.

Try not to exceed speet limits,
Try not crossing the red signal,
Try not overtaking others,
Foot paths are only for the foot pathers,enjoy the privilege….Just for one day!

This problem does not confine only to traffic,but extends to the whole of our country affairs.Be it Government,Corporates,Institutions.Everything.
We must realise that we are the means and bondage for a “change” to occur.
Believe me,as long as ‘A’ does not change,’B’ wouldn’t and ‘C’ will never.

Let us bring a meaning to the word ‘democracy’—By the people,For the people and To the people.
The mantra for today’s success is :


DesinOZ said...
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Sampath said...

thats true.. reminded me the days when I used to drive my bike..!! unless some strict rules are made.. change wont come..!!