Friday, February 10, 2012

Writing Marathon

The writing Marathon begins today. Each day, I am posting a small writeup, no matter how trivial it is. With no good food for thought, my lazy mind is getting drowsy day by day. To invoke latent writing senses, I here by put it on this marathon run. So here I begin with the first one.

My Name and how it was decided on

Every one has a name and every name has a story. Today I shall narrate my name's story. I was the first grand daughter to my maternal grand parents and the last grand daughter to my paternal. When I was born,I was told, that my parents and relatives had chosen many names to name. Some said 'Sunayana' (One with big eyes) some said 'Chaitra' (name of a month in the Indian calendar)some said 'Manasa' (Spiritual) and some said 'yamini'. So this way there were a few. One day my grandmother came across a name 'nandita' which all liked instantly. Some said 'that is a good name and we can call her lovingly nanda'. When this name was suggested to my father he said' well let us see’. So until the day of the naming ceremony my name was still not decided and when discussions went on, my father finally said' I will decide the name of my daughter' and he calmly wrote my name on the rice grains ( a part of the Indian ritual). Well obviously except my dad nobody knew what my name was. And he answered their curiosity by declaring it out as "NANDITA' :)

Thus I finally got my name. However like for all, entire story does not end here, in fact it had just begun. MY name was to get a persona, traits, and recognition of its own. Like all, I love my name for many reasons. Of them I love it most for it meaning. 'Nandita' means 'happiness'. Nandita is the name of the Indian goddess Parvati, who is an incarnation and source of 'energy and eternal happiness'. My name reminds me of the occult purpose of this life - To remain perennially happy at all times. When my spirits are low, my mother always reminds me to be happy and keep it as the motto of my life. A happiness that comes from within and the happiness that lasts for ever is Nandita. In all these years of my life I have given my name a considerable story. But it's story has to become more interesting. In this long journey, I wish, I give my name a good story, stature and meaning to its existence - For it is this name with which I was named then, addressed now and remembered for ever :)

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